As one of the founders of The Accounts Place, I have a passion for bookkeeping and systems. Many years working as an accountant across a variety of businesses both in industry and in practice (both in the UK and abroad) have led me on this path.
After initially studying in NZ I completed my professional exams in the UK (ACCA) so I’m here to stay now. There are only so many tax exams one person really wants to do in their lifetime.
I have project managed the implementation of some quite large accounting systems. I fell in love with Xero software from the start (not being biased even though we are both from NZ) and I get excited every time we implement Xero for a new client.
I love hiking and climbing in the Welsh mountains. I’m passionate about the environment, we are paperless in our office and recycle as much as we can.
I’m fortunate (most of the time) to be a lifelong All Blacks supporter, though sadly the game most often watched in my household is football, as everyone in the family seems to play football.
In my spare time I’m learning to speak Spanish and try to have at least one or two trips to Spain a year.