Self Assessment Deadline
January 16, 2025
In figures published by HMRC on 6.1.25 there were 5.4 million customers who still needed to complete and pay their Self Assessment. The deadline for submitting the return and paying any due tax is the 31st January. Even if you don't think you are liable to pay any tax ...
Dext Introduces New and Enhanced Features.
November 18, 2024
Dext have recently some exciting new features; Mileage and Enhanced Expense Approvals, to help make business and employee expense management effortless. To accurately calculate reimbursable mileage amounts, simply enter the trip start and end dates using Dext's mobile o...
Chancellor outlines package of reforms to HMRC
September 24, 2024
Chancellor Rachel Reeves yesterday outlined a package of reforms to improve the UK's tax system to help fix the foundations of the UK economy. The three strategic priorities for HMRC are closing the tax gap, modernising and reforming and improving customer service.As part of...
Just Ask Xero
June 25, 2024
At Xerocon London recently, Xero demonstrated the exciting new product Just Ask Xero (JAX). Available in beta in August this year, JAX will help bookkeepers and their clients run their businesses more efficiently. You'll be able to Just Ask Xero to complete tasks such ...
Income Tax Self Assessment
January 30, 2024
The end of January heralds a rush to submit Income Tax Self Assessment forms as the last community realise the submission deadline is imminent.2024 was to have seen the introduction of Making Tax Digital for ITSA but this has been delayed until 2026. However getti...
The Gold Standard
December 5, 2023
We are delighted to have been awarded Xero Gold Partner Status. It took a lot of hard work to achieve this and we are very proud of the whole team whose efforts made this possible.Gold Partner Status reflects the depth of our experience using Xero and consequent ability to e...
Artificial Intelligence
September 21, 2023
Artificial Intelligence has been the tech topic of 2023 with much discussion on the potential impacts, opportunities and challenges that the technology poses for businesses, consumers and indeed the entire world. AI itself is not new and chances are you already use AI ...
Xero Introduce Invoice Payments Online
July 25, 2023
A prerequisite for a successful business is being paid on time by your customers. Late payments can severely impact cash flow and chasing bad debts takes time that could be better spent elsewhere.You can now accept payments straight from a Xero online invoice by debit or cre...
June 27, 2023
As reliance on cloud based technology has grown, so inevitably has criminal activity. The economic impact of cybercrime is massive and can destroy a business. Whilst no business can be 100% safe you can take steps to increase your resilience.Failure to adequately protect you...
Changes to Xero Reporting
June 1, 2023
As anyone who uses Xero Reports is no doubt aware, the older versions of the reports are being retired and will no longer be available after 30 July 2023. The new versions have been in use for some time but if you are still using the older versions you will need to swi...
bookkeepingXeroManagement accountsMTD, Xero TrainingaccountantaccountsadjustmentsBank Feedsbookkeeping servicesBrexitcharteredChristmas partiesCJRSclosing balancecloudDextFurloughHSBCMaking Tax Digital (MTD)Minimum WageMTD, Xero,MTD,ITSA, XeroNew officePaperworkPAYE, P9, Coding NoticesReceipt Bankreconcilationsrescue packagesSelf AssessmentSSPStatutory Sick Pay Rebate SchemeVATVAT deferral schemeXero documents and filesXero RoadshowXero, Bank FeedsXero, Bank reconciliation